The operations of DoctorX Works are based on the work of Jom Luiten. Jom is a physicist specialized in ultrafast microscopy, spectroscopy and crystallography. Within these fields, Jom came up with new solutions and actually developed them with his team of engineers. Demand for these solutions immediately followed, mostly coming from young and entrepreneurial physicists. In 2010, the first PMX systems werd sold. This process was handled by the TU/e. In 2018, it was clear that this activity needed its own life and DoctorX Works was created. The company name is a tribute to Jom’s grandfather, Doctor Xavier Wolters. A man with many talents, who paved the way for innovation in and around Eindhoven, with a passion for engineering. A man who explored the edge of possibilities and carried education with him as a logical element.

We love thinking outside of the box, smart engineering, craftsmanship, walking on the edge, challenging and amazing others to convey our message. The team behind DoctorXWorks is narrowly connected with Eindhoven University of Technology. They have taken on education, research and renewal.

Our work is about the future and perspective of material research. DoctorX Works views innovation and creativity as the core of its existence and wants to make this future available to institutions, universities, laboratories, innovators and most importantly to the ever so renewing batch of young academics. We strive to improve and reach new heights, even where others see no possibilities. Water flows where it cannot reach. The choices of nature, with stunning simplicity, in a complex system. Hence why we always want to look at complexity in different ways, to answer with simplicity. That is what our journey is about. Always energetic, based on the balance between coworkers in age, experience and background. This is how we differentiate ourselves, as it forms the dynamic which keeps us sharp at all times. The youth is the future, and the experienced enables them. A natural tension between elements constantly brings up new solutions. Therefore, we will also have a mix of youth & elder, a non-conformist attitude: a reflection, just like in nature. It is the balance between the elements that strengthen the system.